Let's Talk Together

Building Bright Futures Through Conversation

As a Let’s Talk Together accredited nursery, we’re dedicated to creating the best environment where your child can enjoy meaningful conversations that help them grow.

Our goal is to provide a nurturing space for your child to learn in the best ways to nurture great communication skills through an emotionally connected approach.

Here’s how we make this happen:

Training and Support for Practitioners

Our team gets regular training and hands-on support right where they work. We use something called video interaction feedback, which is quite fascinating! It lets our team watch themselves interact with the children and see how their actions help the children’s development. This deep reflection helps them understand and improve their approach daily.

A Space Designed for Chatting 

We carefully organise our indoor and outdoor spaces so that both children and adults find it easy to talk and interact positively. This set-up helps your child learn how to communicate better and manage their emotions, making the most out of every opportunity to learn and connect.

Focused Small Group Activities 

During small group times, our skilled practitioners pay close attention to the language they use and the activities they choose. This ensures everything is just right for your child’s language skills and interests, helping them engage more deeply.

Building Family Connections 

We believe in the power of family. That’s why we encourage strong, supportive, and trusting relationships between you and your child. We promote spending quality time talking, playing, and reading together at home, because these moments are precious for your child’s growth.

Keeping Track of Progress 

Twice a year, we gather data on how well the children are doing in three key areas of communication. This isn’t just about numbers; it’s about understanding each child’s needs and planning how we can support them better. This tracking also helps us see how much they’ve grown over the years, giving us insights into how we can keep improving.

By focusing on these areas, we ensure that every child at Let’s Talk Together has the support and opportunities they need to develop excellent communication skills in a caring and understanding environment. This isn’t just about learning to talk; it’s about growing to express, connect, and thrive.

Schedule A Viewing At Purple Bees

The best way to discover what makes Purple Bees special is to see it firsthand. We provide engaging and interactive tours at our Hounslow daily. We look forward to meeting you soon and getting to know you and your child more!

Purple Bees

​​Purple Bees Day Nursery

93A Inwood Rd,



Purple Bees

​​Purple Bees Day Nursery

93A Inwood Rd,



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